Active in the market since 1990, designs and manufactures on demand, Silicon, Ferrites and Nickel Iron Transformers, Inductors and Filters for Electro and Electronic segments in industry.

Agility on development and nationalization of new products are our expertise.

Modern manufacturing equipments, precision monitoring and inspection equipment and selected local and imported materials are used in the production process in order to guarantee the quality of our products.

Our technical and administrative employees are highly skilled to provide quality solutions to our customers.


“Provide to the market quality, value added and innovative solutions, aiming the growth and development of company as well as of our clients, suppliers and manpower.”


“Be recognized in the market as a reference in quality and competitiveness.”


  • Focus on clients needs
  • Professional and personal development of the manpower
  • Emphasis on quality and environmental workplace
  • Celerity, agility and reliability in client’s attendance

Contact us

Rua Hildebrando Siqueira, 125
São Paulo – SP – Brasil
CEP: 04334-150

phone: +55 11 5588-2005
whatsapp: +55 11 94200-3471
